What’s the Point of it All?

Do you feel like you live life with a purpose? In my opinion, the unhappiest people I know are the ones who haven’t found their purpose. They live life as though it’s drudgery and get through each day, go to bed, then wake up and do it again. Some of them do it with a…

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Yorkie Rescue of The Carolinas and Me

As Director of Advocacy for Yorkie Rescue of the Carolinas (YROC), I do a lot of tasks to advocate for our rescue doggos. Things like website maintenance, newsletters, graphics, contracts, fund-raising.. etc.. But I love it when I can foster. A few of these ended up as foster fails, I’ll admit. But that’s usually when…

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The Room (short fiction inspired by photo)

The Room Kay Bratt 9/16/2021 (previously published in my author/reader group called MY BOOK FRIENDS)   It was once Gracie’s favorite room in the house but as she entered today, it greeted her fondly, asking why she had been away so long. A place where she could escape to read a book, write a letter,…

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A Harrowing Ordeal in China

A Harrowing Ordeal in China Never take your love for granted as it can be yanked from your life in a heartbeat. ~Kay Bratt     As the mammoth creature swayed its back to and fro, I looked down from our perch on its back to shiver at the sight of the steep drop off only…

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Where to Find Me Other than Facebook!

Facebook has begun to shut out a lot of authors recently, permanently banning them for no reason at all. If that happens to me, I want you to know where you can find me so you can stay up to date with my books and the Bratt Pack!  FIND ME HERE:  Subscribe to my Blog…

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Who Am I

  Yesterday I finally succumbed to the mounting pain in my locked-up shoulder and stiff neck, and actually kept my physical therapy appointment. I grumbled for days beforehand, and all the way there, that it was keeping me from having a full and productive workday. Over the last year and a half, I’ve found myself…

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All (my) Dogs Go to Heaven

    A memoir dedicated to our sweet Grandpa, a symbol of love, trust, and perseverance who taught all of us that it’s never too late to find your happily ever after.   Read An Excerpt of All (my) Dogs Go to Heaven here: AN UNBEARABLE BURDEN   Is your soul being crushed with grief…

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What You Need When You Need It Most

Have you ever had your heart set on something and then fate sent you a curve ball and it ended up being the best thing after all? This year I turned 50 and my sweetheart told me that he wanted me to finally have the puppy I’ve been yearning years for. I’ve been involved in…

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Life Is Crazy

Life is crazy. It’s full of ups and downs, highs and lows, and moments where you just want to shut the door to the world and hide in the closet. There are days when something makes you cry and then before you know it you turn around and laugh from deep inside your soul. See…

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