FINALLY… (she says under her breath as she decides where her next book will be set)

It feels like it has taken forever,  but I can finally close the door on writing the books set on Maui. And if I do say so myself, I think the last book INTO THE BLUE is the best of the three. Have you ever carried something your entire life because you couldn’t shake the guilt? This book is for you. Do you have a difficult relationship with your mother or a daughter? This book is for you. Do you enjoy family saga with a touch of mystery? This book is for you.

Heck, it’s for all of you. Just pull up a lounge chair and escape into the blue.

I hope once you’ve read the trilogy, you’ll help me out by posting an an honest review on Amazon, Goodreads, and BookBub!

Thanks, everyone!




  1. Joyce Starleaf on April 3, 2021 at 10:44 pm

    I loved this series and I’ve read hundreds and hundreds of books. I’m so sorry to see the Maui series end as each book is so good for your soul and their way of life . I’ll be cheering if you ever decide to continue with the series.

    Thanks so much

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