Don’t Miss the Exclusive Giveaway Valued at Sixty Dollars Going on Now In my Krew!


Hello All!

If you haven’t heard, I’m moving most of my online banter into my private group on Facebook. The world is getting ugly and I’m building a safe place of positivity and kindness. Okay, and maybe a lot of silly stuff because I just can’t keep it contained. Anyway….

You are invited!

My Krew gets insider info and buzz on what’s going on my book world as well as many of my musings, posts, and photos that I’ve decided to keep to just my cocoon of trusted people.

We also have exclusive giveaways and such, and there’s one going on now! You can win an autographed, print set of my HUGELY successful 5-book series titles The Tales of the Scavenger’s Daughters, a $60 value!

What a great gift they would make someone for Mother’s Day or a birthday!

Those books are on sale this month on Kindle, too!


See you there!










  1. Jann Poirier on February 17, 2021 at 3:19 pm

    I have just finished the first two books in A By the Sea Novel and love the writing of Kay Bratt! She is now on my list of favorite authors!
    Looking forward to March when the third book in this trilogy is released!

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